“Happiness is overrated.” – Elaina

Elaina is unstoppable. And at 33 years old, she’s just getting started. Elaina is transforming her life and creating her own definition of happiness. She calls it the “inspired life” and believes “that inspiration is the most powerful tool to experience true happiness”.

After six years as V.P. of Branding and Marketing at Summit State Bank, Elaina was ready for a change and spent the following year in a marketing role at the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County. Taking walks on her lunch break, Elaina discovered she was constantly writing down her thoughts on her cell phone as she walked. These thoughts morphed into content that led her to write a book that she published in 2015 called Happiness is Overrated – Live the Inspired Life Instead.

Newly married to husband Tanner, she left her job to focus on building her own business. The couple launched an app to support the book, called ub: inspired. The app connects users through shared inspiration. Users explore what triggers personal inspiration by creating lists of goals or bucket list experiences. Using the app gives people a way to digitally manage their lists and connect with other like-minded individuals.  It’s a way to share inspiration in a digital world that reinforces the idea that when we explore what inspires us by being present in the moment, we experience true happiness, not a temporary jolt, say from “retail therapy” or consuming a pint of ice cream to “feel better”. Her book and personal coaching sessions support these concepts and help people distinguish the differences between happiness and inspiration.


Happiness is overrated, she says so “if you’re feeling stuck or just want to enjoy more out of your daily experience of life” consider what inspires you for an immediate sense of satisfaction. While we may not be able to choose to be happy, we can all choose to be inspired.

Visit www.elainainspired.com for information on her book, coaching sessions and app.


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